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Web Design - Themesnet Tech

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Web Design

Known for supplying stunning, intuitive, responsive web design.  Our client’s websites benefit from individually tailored, bespoke design, developed specifically to incorporate their branding and promote their business. Our websites are designed and developed to work in tandem with our client’s individual business goals and objectives.

  • Being
    unique while not compromising on accessibility and usability are crucial to a strong online marketing strategy. Creating visually stunning websites which are easy to navigate and interact with are the cornerstone of this strategy. Increased levels of engagement and a desire to stay and engage naturally trail from this approach. 
In the competitive world of e-commerce it can be difficult to get noticed, however,The answer to giving your business the edge over competitors is responsive web design.There are many website owners that still haven’t implemented a responsive design, and with the trends towards mobile devices, this puts them at a distinct disadvantage. Studies have shown that it will not be long before mobile Internet users overtake the number of desktop users, so if you have yet to take the necessary steps in order to meet the demand from mobile users, now is a good time to start discussing plans so that your website will be ready to meet the demands of the modern consumer.

Simply put, responsive web design is a necessity if a website is going to be accessible to the huge numbers of consumers worldwide that use mobile devices. A study by Radicati shows that by the end of 2014 there will be more than 5.6 billion mobile users, and the figure is set to grow to 6.2 billion by 2018. Moreover, the number of people using mobile devices, including tablets, will increase to 12.1 billion by 2018.If a business is to thrive, it will need to invest in responsive web design so it can gain a share of the vast numbers of consumers that will be relying on mobile devices to connect to the Internet and purchase online.


Websites are either static or responsive. A static website does not adapt according to the size of the device used to access it, meaning that some parts of the website won’t be viewable on some devices, however, a responsive website will adapt according to the type of device that the person is using, and allows the website to be fully accessible no matter the device used. Statistics show that 90% of people now use more than one type of device to access the Internet, which means your website most be responsive in order to give your visitor the best possible experience.

Brand New Websites


We can do a full website re-design or tweak your website with our intelligent web design agency Bangalore maintenance services. We can even create you an online shop where you can sell your products or services. We keep everything simple for you. Our web design agency Bangalore can manage your domain, hosting and design from beginning to end. Just let us know what you want. An extensive list of website features which we can implement on your website.